What’s in a Name? Why Sausalito?

Prior to merging with the new and improved Floating Times, the name that appeared on our blog banner was the Sausalito Floating Homes Association. Going back to the beginning (October of 2015) we didn’t spend much time on the name, but rather swiftly settled on something that got us up and running. We weren’t...

Alert Marin Keeps You Informed in an Emergency

In January 2013, Marin County launched an improved version of the Alert Marin Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS). Local emergency officials use TENS to deliver incident-specific information or potentially life-saving instructions to the geographic areas that are affected. Emergency situations that may trigger a TENS message include: Flooding, wildfires, and subsequent evacuations Public safety incidents...

Shoreline Flooding

  Marin County’s Flood Zone 3 Advisory Board held a public meeting on November 18 in Marin City to hear presentations on a number of matters of concern to the Floating Home community. After brief presentations on the Coyote Creek Levee evaluation upstream in Tam Valley, and Marin City drainage...