Bouquets to Pam Bousquet

Recently, Rachelle Dorris of Issaquah Dock sent this notice to neighbors: A bright light on the dock went dark on Friday, with the passing of 32-year resident, Pam Bousquet. She resided with her longtime partner, Cornell Ross, who passed in June, at #38 Issaquah. Pam had been an Assistant District...

New Safety Signage at Gate 6 Intersection

Pedestrians trying to cross Bridgeway coming from Marin City on Donohue St. are getting some much-needed assistance these days. A sign facing the right turn lane onto Bridgeway warns drivers to yield to pedestrians before turning. A similar sign is posted on the median, for drivers turning right from the...

Dock Residents Join Marin City Protest

The murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, on top of four hundred years of systemic racism, has sparked global protests against police brutality. Marin activists have organized Black Lives Matter demonstrations throughout the county. On June, 2 at least 1,000 people gathered peacefully in the Marin City...

Fresh Local Produce at Marin City Market Day

The Marin City Community Services District is now hosting a Market Day each Tuesday featuring fresh local produce at below wholesale prices. Operating Tuesdays from 1:30-2:30, the open-air market is held in front of the senior center, 630 Drake Avenue at Phillips. Jane and I strolled over there to check it...

When Good Carts Go Astray

Shopping carts left in parking lots can be vulnerable to vandalism or theft. In March, someone upended one of the newer FHA carts into the marsh off the Gate 6 1/2 parking lot. This month, I spotted a blue FHA cart on the corner of Harbor Drive and Gate 3...