Board Meeting Notes — May 2022

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the May 10 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times. Treasurer Tracy Corbin reported that the FHA’s general liability insurance premium has been paid and 2021 federal and state taxes will...

Board Meeting Notes — Apr 2022

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the April 12 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times. Funds were requested and approved for May 22 Day in the Park: $2,500 and Emergency preparedness (CERT training reimbursements: $1,500). FHA...

Emergency Videos on FHA Website

In conjunction with Sausalito Village, FHA Emergency Services Chair Flo Hoylman has made a series of videos on how to prepare ‘Grab–and–Go’ bags for people and pets, plus advice on pre-planning the 10 most important items you would take if you had 10 minutes to evacuate. FHA members can view...

Disaster Planning for Pets

Leaving pets out of evacuation plans can put pets, pet owners, and first responders in danger, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Even if you try to create a safe place for them, pets left behind during a disaster are likely to be injured, lost, or worse. Be...

Get Your Docs Together

Thousands of people who have lost homes in the California wildfires discovered too late that their insurance coverage had not kept up with the rising cost of lumber, labor and other rebuilding materials. Talk to your insurer to make sure you have enough coverage, but for a quick reality check,...

Tech Tools for Disaster Planning

On July 18, the Sunday Chronicle published a Survival Guide Supplement chock full of helpful tips. Here are some excerpts from one article: “Tech tools can help prepare you for disaster.” There are some free apps for your phone, numbers to text, systems to register for and technology to buy...

Evacuation Tags Now Available

The Sausalito Police Department and other Marin County law enforcement agencies are now distributing free evacuation tags to be used during evacuation emergencies, such as a fast–moving wildfire. When evacuating their homes, residents are asked to display these tags in a highly visible location, such as their front door, mailbox,...