The Humming Toadfish Marching Kazoo Band at a previous 4th of July parade | photo and post by Larry Clinton
Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the May 10 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times.
Treasurer Tracy Corbin reported that the FHA’s general liability insurance premium has been paid and 2021 federal and state taxes will be filed shortly.
V.P. Pete Hudson requested help from Dock Reps/docks to sponsor more activities for Day in the Park May 22. Jim Rettew and Carole Angermeier will set up and monitor a membership table.
FHA President Michael Labate, Liz Brott (West Pier) & Pete Hudson are scheduling a meeting with a concrete contractor in the Delta who might be able to build barges for floating homes.
Sasha Cole (Commodore Marina) reported that Barnhill Marina obtained rent protection from the City of Alameda. Larry Clinton (Gate 6 ½) will research the Costa–Hawkins Rental Housing Act and possible relevance to floating homes. Michelle Affronte will ask Donna Colson, former Burlingame mayor & new Liberty Dock resident about getting involved on this issue due to her political experience and contacts.
Aislyn Greene ((W. Pier) reported on the results of the recent bike locker survey: 96 homes with 150+ bikes would pay $30-$50/month for bike storage off the docks. Aislyn will schedule meetings with the harbormasters and research bike storage options.
Larry Clinton suggested re-entering the Humming Toadfish Kazoo marching band in Sausalito’s 4th of July Parade. Michele Affronte (Liberty) will organize it but needs help.
Aislyn Greene reported that carts are missing from some docks. Michael Labate will contact Mollie Stone’s for any broken carts to salvage for parts. The Board will consider purchasing more carts.
Jim Rettew (Liberty) has had no response from a Floating Times request for a replacement webmaster. Jim asked Dock Reps to include this request in their dock emails. Pete Hudson suggested hiring a paid consultant while the search for a volunteer continues.
Mari Steeno and Kelly English have scheduled a private tour on Issaquah and East Pier May 13th. They will begin actively promoting these tours to destination management companies.
Emergency Preparedness Chair Flo Hoylman reminded everyone that residents will be able to refill, exchange or recycle fire extinguishers at the May 22 Day in the Park from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Flo is contacting the fire department to offer dock drills on how to use fire extinguishers and hoses. Interested residents should contact Flo to participate.
Public Relations Chair Michelle Affronte announced that Apple TV will film a miniseries entitled The Last Thing He Told Me in September on Liberty Dock.