We Won!  . . .  for Now

The following report comes from the Legislative Action Committee of the Floating Homes Association: Our active Sausalito floating home community has just stopped a year-long attempt to roll back homeowner protections incorporated in the 2023 Floating Home Residency Law. For now, Assemblymember Damon Connolly has rejected a proposal, launched by marina owners last...

LAC Goes for Win-Win

The FHA’s Legal Action Committee (LAC) continues to pursue amending the Floating Homes Residency Law to address vacancy control, passthrough fees, and long-term leases in a way that is fair to all: owners of newer and larger homes, owners of smaller and older homes, and the marina operators themselves. The...

FHA Needs Your Support

Urgent Message from FHA President Pete Hudson: The FHA has initiated a funding campaign to help the FHA offset the costs for outside legal counsel.  These costs could reach $11,500. We need your support. Your donation will help ensure that the FHA can obtain valuable legal advice. Please consider donating...

Save The Date: Annual Meeting Feb 24

The annual Floating Homes Association membership meeting will take place on Saturday evening, February 24 at The Sausalito Seahorse, 305 Harbor Drive from 5:00 p.m to 9:30 p.m. The evening, free to FHA member households, will include drinks, delicious finger foods, and lots of camaraderie. If you are not a...

FHA Looks at Changes to AB252

The Legal Action Committee (LAC) of the Floating Homes Association recently held a series of dock meetings to gather community input on possible changes to AB252, the floating home rent control law that was enacted at the beginning of 2023. At issue is the amount marina operators can raise berth...

Novitski Chairs Legislative Action Committee

Joe Novitski of Kappas Marina has been named chair of the FHA’s Legislative Action Committee (LAC). The committee will consider, research and actively represent the common interests of our community concerning pending and future legislative and regulatory issues at the county and state government levels. It consists of representatives from...

Board Meeting Notes — Oct 2023

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED ON AT THE OCTOBER 10 FHA BOARD MEETING. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES. FHA President Pete Hudson announced that Peter Miller is replacing Pete Huson as Main Dock alternative Rep. The FHA operated at...

Winners At Day in the Park

There were plenty of winners at last Sunday’s FHA Day in the Park. Michael Snyder (Issaquah) and Stephen Allison (Main) won the shopping cart relay race carrying crutches as a handicap in the last heat, and claimed their life ring trophy; the next day Michael proudly displayed it on his...