Board Meeting Notes – July 2020

IN A ZOOM MEETING, THE FLOATING HOMES ASSOCIATION BOARD MET on july 14 FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE FEBRUARY. HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THAT  BOARD MEETING: Treasurer Teddie Hathaway introduced a revised 2020 budget with cuts previously approved by the Executive Committee. Without...

FHA Pares Budget

With only one private tour this year, and no public tour, the Board of the Floating Homes Association has agreed to reduce spending. Until we can begin increasing income through tours or other means, it will be necessary to eliminate reimbursements for dock activities, stop buying shopping carts, and reduce...

County Offers Recovery Resources

Many Marin County parks and open spaces began reopening to motorized access on May 18, thanks to an updated public health order from Marin Health and Human Services. To help residents find out which parks and open spaces are currently open and in what capacity, Marin County Parks has created...

Sheltering in Paradise

As we cope with the coronavirus quarantine, Jane and I have been trying to find special places to walk each afternoon. Recently we strolled Cavallo Point. When I sent the photo below to Jane’s daughter Jennifer, she replied: “What you two call quarantine other people would call honeymoon!” Mother Nature...

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Over the years I’ve been impressed with our community’s willingness and skill at helping each other in times of crisis. That spirit of neighborliness has never been more evident than right now, during the coronavirus quarantine. Almost as soon as the shelter-in-place order came down, notes began appearing on dock...

Waste is a Terrible Thing to Mind

Do you know your holding tank’s capacity?  How many times can you flush your toilet before your holding tank is ready to overflow? These and other questions were posed by Emergency Services chair Flo Hoylman at the FHA Annual Meeting, as she introduced the world premiere of a 5-minute video,...

Annual Meeting Brings Community Together

“It’s a magic place,” said FHA President Michael Labate upon opening the annual membership meeting on February 29. He was greeted by a round of applause when he added, “We’re fortunate to live here.” Indeed, community was the theme of the meeting. Membership chairs Jill Sherman and Lisa McNelley announced...

Let There Be Light

Emergency Services Chair Flo Hoylman sends along some lessons learned from the recent PG&E power outage:  Lighting ideas I purchased two solar powered lights for less than $20 each. They have their own stand, so I can direct the light in different directions. Use a mirror by the light to...

Glorious Party in the Park

The second annual FHA-sponsored Party in the Park was again blessed by perfect weather, drawing about 100 people to the award-winning park in Waldo Point Harbor. This year, following our recent power outage, the concentration was on Floating Life, with booths devoted to emergency preparedness, line tying and other tips...