Preventing Wildfires in Marin

Wildfires are bigger, burn longer, cause more damage, and kill more people than ever before. Marin is as susceptible as Sonoma County or other areas that have suffered large destructive fires. That’s the bad news. The good news is that a new Joint Powers Authority has been formed to undertake...

Make a Family Emergency Plan

Recently we reported on a new Disaster Preparedness Guide which can be downloaded free from the FHA website. This week we’re presenting an excerpt from that guide with tips for preparing your own family emergency plan: Meet with household members  Explain the dangers—and your emergency plans—to children. Work with them...

When Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

The smoke drifting over Sausalito from the wildfires to the north is an unpleasant reminder that fire season has begun. With hundreds of acres of undeveloped land in the Marin Headlands between Sausalito and the ocean, our community faces a significant risk from a rapidly spreading wildland fire. Our local...

Board Meeting Notes – Aug 2020

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE AUGUST 11 BOARD MEETING: The 2020 Budget has been reduced by the cuts agreed on at the July meeting, and new budget figures were added to the July YTD profit and loss statement, which was sent to...

Board Meeting Notes – July 2020

IN A ZOOM MEETING, THE FLOATING HOMES ASSOCIATION BOARD MET on july 14 FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE FEBRUARY. HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THAT  BOARD MEETING: Treasurer Teddie Hathaway introduced a revised 2020 budget with cuts previously approved by the Executive Committee. Without...

New Evacuation Siren

Law enforcement agencies across Marin County have a new way to alert residents to evacuate during an emergency—a new Hi-Lo siren that has been installed in police vehicles. The two-tone siren makes a very distinctive and unfamiliar sound and will only be used for immediate evacuation notifications in a large...

Marin Recovery Planning

The County of Marin, in collaboration with individuals from cities and towns across the County, is launching  the website to connect local residents, business owners, community leaders and public health professionals to collaborate on reopening the economy and community in a safe manner. “The goal is to provide a mobile-optimized,...