The Great Drought of ’22

Water is something we all take pretty much for granted … until we don’t have it anymore. That lesson came home to Commodore Marina residents once again last month, when water to the community of 25 humans, five dogs and four cats went kaput for seven days from October 12...

Tunnel Art Project Comes to Fruition

After two years of planning, consultations and negotiations with the County of Marin and CalTrans and raising the necessary funds, the project to clean, beautify, and enhance the experience of moving through the tunnel that connects Marin City and Sausalito is underway. Major grants from the Marin Community Foundation, private...

New Street Smarts Campaign Begins This Month

The Transportation Authority of Marin will be introducing a new ‘street smarts’ campaign called “Eyes Up” starting in mid–September. The campaign will focus on dangerous behavior on Marin County roads, including speeding and distracted driving from phone use, and will also include bicycle and pedestrian safety messages. Signs and banners...

Proposed New Home Triggers Petition on Issaquah

Approximately 90 residents of Issaquah Dock signed a petition to the Marin County Board of Supervisors and the management of Waldo Point Harbor expressing their concerns about a proposed home swap there. Here’s the precise wording of the petition: From the undersigned residents of Issaquah Dock, Sausalito Requesting our voices...

Marin Is Healthiest County in CA

Marin has been ranked the healthiest of California’s 58 counties because of its high scores in quality of life, clinical care, and social and economic factors, according to the recently released 2022 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. The rankings place greatest weight on longevity, or life expectancy. The average Marin...

County Considers Reusable Foodware Ordinance Apr 19

David Moreno of Main Dock passes along the news that on April 19, the Marin County Board of Supervisors will have their first hearing and vote on a draft ordinance addressing reusable foodware. A final adoption vote is scheduled for May 10. If adopted, the ordinance will: Replace single-use plastic packaging...

Sea Level Rise Discussed at Annual Meeting

The February 17 FHA Annual Meeting on Zoom was was recorded for viewing later. You can find the link by clicking on News on the FHA website’s home page, then clicking on the paragraph beginning “Did you miss the 2022 FHA annual meeting…” to expand it. You will see a passcode which...

Planning for our Future Housing

The City of Sausalito hosted its first of four Housing Element Town Halls on Feb 10. City Consultant Beth Thompson of De Novo Planning explained the Housing Element process and asked for community input. Every local government jurisdiction in the Bay Area, including Sausalito and Marin County, is developing its...

Housing Element for Unincorporated Marin

Marin County, like other communities in California, is initiating a planning process under California State law to identify how to meet our housing needs at all income levels. According to the County’s Community Development website, this process involves updating the County’s Housing Element, which is a required component of the...

What’s Next after June 15?

California is planning for a wide reopening on June 15. What does that mean for Marin’s COVID-19 response efforts? Join Marin Public Health at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 10 for a virtual program about what’s next for businesses, schools, health care, and our community. The discussion will feature contributions...