Public Input Needed for Flood Planning

In March, we reported on plans to decrease flooding in and around Marin City which seemed to overlook erosion under Gate 6 ½ homes caused by the outflow from a detention pond between the Gateway Center and Highway 101. Since that time, residents have met...

Don’t Feed the Geese

West Pier dock rep Tristan Thomas passes along a reminder that humans feeding geese and other waterfowl can have unintended negative consequences. Says Tristan: “Before reaching for that loaf of bread and soaking in that joy and excitement of feeding the fowl, remember that over...

Two Private Tours in One Day

On May 19, as crowds on the lawn at Van Damme Park enjoyed Day in the Park, the FHA’s tour committee had the inaugural run of its new format for group tours. Two groups of about a dozen each were led off to see what...

Thanks and Congratulations for DITP

The FHA’s May 19 Day in the Park was a success thanks to the talents and energy of dozens of volunteers, sponsors, vendors, local officials and contest competitors. Denise Kendall and her chihuahua Cookie won the pet costume contest. The tiny horses provided by Ken...

Farmers Market Returns to Sausalito

The Sausalito Recreation Department has partnered with the organizer of the weekend markets at Marin Country Mart in Larkspur to bring a certified farmer’s market back to Sausalito’s Dunphy Park. From 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each Sunday, fresh produce, artisanal products, and delicious treats...

June King Tides Return

As we approach the summer solstice, the combination of lunar phase and the solar aphelion (when earth is most distant from the sun) generate especially high tides. Tides that exceed 6.5′ can cause flooding on Gate 5 Road in Sausalito, in low-lying areas of Marin...

Thanks to DITP Sponsors

The FHA ‘s May 19 Day in the Park would not have been possible without the generous participation of the following local businesses. They deserve our loyalty and support. Renewal by Anderson Windows Contact Denise Mosley Renewal by Anderson is offering a 20% discount just...

Houseboat Wars at the Library

The houseboat wars of the late 70s have inspired films, books, and even a play performed in 2023 in Mill Valley. Now the author of that play, John Byrne Barry, has adapted it into a novel, Pirates of Sausalito: Houseboat Wars Murder Mystery, a colorful...

Culling an Invasive Species

Over the Memorial Day weekend, I was surprised and pleased to see lots of folks working on our shoreline. They turned out to be volunteers from Marin Audubon Society removing an invasive plant from our environment. The pesky intruder is Algerian sea lavender, which can...

Legal Opinion on Marina Fees and Costs

The Sausalito Floating Homes Association (FHA) has heard many concerns from floating home residents about fees and costs charged by or policies imposed by their marinas. In response, the FHA, through its Legislative Action Committee (LAC) and generous donations from residents, engaged an attorney with decades...