Eight women from Chile are coming to Sausalito in September as part of the Sausalito Sister City— Viña del Mar exchange program. They are bringing an important exhibit of the art and culture of the region which will be on display at 675 Bridgeway (formerly the Chase Bank building) from September 3 to September 15, from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. daily. The public is invited to an opening reception on Wednesday, September 4, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Several of the women in the exchange have their own work included in the exhibit, “Manos en Violeta”, or “Hands in Violeta”. Violeta Parra was a composer, singer-songwriter, visual artist and folklorist who pioneered a renewal and reinvention of Chilean folk music. Her work inspired these artists to display their own passion for artistic expression. Much of their work focuses on the concept of re-using material that would otherwise have been disposed of. “Hands in Violeta” features various art forms including embroidery, weaving, photography and goldsmithing.
One of the delegates will also participate in the second annual Paint Sausalito, a plein aire festival sponsored by the Sausalito Center for the Arts. From September 4 to September 7, more than 20 artists will set up around Sausalito, creating a complete painting each day to be displayed at the Center at 750 Bridgeway. Judging and awards happen on Saturday night, September 7, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The public is welcome.
The Sausalito Sister City—Viña del Mar program started over 60 years ago. Since 2011, local volunteers have created a vibrant program promoting cross-cultural and economic exchange. After a five-year hiatus due to Covid, Sausalito welcomes delegates once again and they look forward to sharing this exciting cultural exhibit with residents and visitors to our town.
These accomplished businesswomen will be visiting city officials and business owners, learning ways Sausalito and its citizens have met with post-pandemic challenges. They’ll be looking at how we have created collaborations between the arts, culture, education and entrepreneurship, and we’ll be sharing our plans for facing challenges in the future.
In addition to the businesswomen’s delegation, three fire fighters (Bomberos) from Chile will be meeting with the Southern Marin Fire Department and will also be receiving best practices training in fire management, disaster preparedness and safety techniques. This sharing of information and skills was initiated by the tragic news of an October 2023 fire in Chile where 15,000 homes were destroyed, and 35,000 residents were made homeless.
On Thursday, September 12, a Sister Cities Soiree will be held at the Seahorse Restaurant, 305 Harbor Dr. This fundraiser will present a night of international flair, where attendees will have the opportunity to meet the Bomberos and businesswomen from Chile, plus dancing to the Lucky Drive band, starting at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $45, or $120 including dinner.