New, Smaller Tour in 2016

  The Tour Committee has scheduled next year’s Open Homes Tour for Saturday, September 24. As noted elsewhere, the tour will be smaller, to lessen the impact on the community and volunteers. In addition to providing the major source of funding for the Floating Homes...

Shoreline Flooding

  Marin County’s Flood Zone 3 Advisory Board held a public meeting on November 18 in Marin City to hear presentations on a number of matters of concern to the Floating Home community. After brief presentations on the Coyote Creek Levee evaluation upstream in Tam...

The Early Days of Kappas and WPH

Long-time waterfront resident T.J. Nelsen has written a very personal memoir of Sausalito’s Gate 6 community: Houseboats, Drugs, Government and the 4th Estate. Nelsen discovered the Sausalito waterfront in the early ’60s, and soon moved to Don Arques’ property at Waldo Point, where he worked at...

RBRA Stakeholder Committee Outreach

On Thursday, November 12, the Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency held a community meeting at the Spinnaker Restaurant. The RBRA is tasked with managing the navigational waterways, open water, and shoreline of Richardson’s Bay. The purpose of the public meeting was twofold. Firstly, inform the citizens and stakeholders of the...

Quid Pro Quo: FHA | Sausalito Village

Mari Steeno, co-chair (with Larry Clinton) of this year’s Floating Homes Tour, had the distinct pleasure of delivering the FHA donation to the Sausalito Village at their 3rd annual Members Art Show Opening. On Sunday November 8, at the Sausalito City Council Chambers, some of our own...