Sausalito’s Community Boating Center made great strides constructing an accessible, affordable marina in 2020 and is preparing to open in 2021. To celebrate, they’re staging a night full of sea shanties, fishy stories, raffle prizes and a silent auction in addition to cooking and mixology demos.
Hosted by CBS News Bay Area’s Jan Wahl, the festival will be presented online so everyone can safely join from home. The 8th Annual Herring Festival will feature some favorite herring dishes and long-time locals with cooking demonstrations and great storytelling. Join the executive chefs of Sausalito‘s FISH restaurant, Osteria DiVino, Angelino’s and the entertaining David Robert Johnson of Davey Jones Deli and mixologists from Hanson of Sonoma Distillery for a festive evening, completely with live sea shanty music by the Fishwives.
All $25 tickets include a raffle ticket. Guests have the option to upgrade tickets to include a Herring Fest Paddling excursion with Sea Trek, dinner for two delivered to your door for the event, a two hour sail aboard a local charter yacht and other awesome perks.
When: Wednesday, January 27 6:00 p.m.
Where: On your home computer
Why: All ticket sales support the Sausalito Community Boating Center Cass Gidley Marina, a 501(c)(3) non-profit established to create and maintain a community place that:
- Provides affordable access to boats and the water
- Preserves our maritime heritage through education and skill-building
- Promotes environmental stewardship of our local bay ecosystem
Buy your tickets here! By attending you can help to preserve a gathering place on Sausalito’s waterfront to engage and educate the public about our rich maritime history and small craft heritage through affordable direct experience.