Checking Electrical Hookups

Only a lucky few can claim that their house won’t work until they plug it in. A floating home is unique because its electricity comes through a free hanging cable into the house. Every houseboat connects to the main power through some type of electrical outlet dockside. If you are...

New Insurer for Floating Homes

What do Betty Grable’s legs, Jimmy Durante’s nose, Dolly Parton’s breasts and Tom Jones’s chest hair have in common with floating homes?  They all have been or are insured by Lloyd’s of London. Recently Lloyd’s began writing home owner’s policies for floating homes. Their traditional type of policy includes personal...

HOW TO: Avoid Internet Scams

   A recent global cyberattack—malicious ransomware, appropriately named WannaCry—was aimed initially and primarily at the big players: universities, hospitals and multi-national companies. Rather than wait for the other shoe to drop—in the form of second-wave copycats wanting to get in on the action—the more responsible citizens among us are treating these global cyberattacks as a...

Keeping High and Dry

Winter storms are on their way. Are you ready? First and foremost, check the lines that secure your home in your berth. Most floating home lines are made of polypropylene. It’s a good material because it is rather inexpensive. It also has a natural tendency to be a bit stretchy,...