Service Providers List Updated

East Pier Dock Rep Carole Angermeir has updated the Service Providers list which is available to FHA members on the Association’s website. The list includes providers with experience working on floating homes, including contractors, handymen, painters, electricians, plumbers, roofers, line tying, hull repair, hull inspection, house cleaners, upholsterers, refrigerator repairs,...

Another look at Anodes

In last week’s report on sacrificial anodes, Lynn Lohr mentioned a study that had been commissioned by then-FHA President Stan Barbarich which verified zinc anodes’ ability to fight hull corrosion. Now Stan sends along an addendum about an alternative: aluminum anodes. He points to one of the findings in the...

Zinc or Swim

We love our floating home lifestyle, but we often find ourselves concerned with subjects the landlocked know nothing about, like freeboard, macerator pumps, and the health of the hulls on which we float. West Pier neighbor Court Mast and I talked at length about hulls as we recently spent time...

Need a Plumber? Check our Website

Reminder: On the Floating Homes Association website, FHA members can find a list of service providers with experience working on floating homes. Services range from licensed contractors to handypersons. Please note that the listed service providers have not been vetted; their names were put forth by someone living on the docks....

FHA Launching New Website

Next time you log into the Floating Homes Association website, you’re in for a surprise. The new site, hosted by Memberplanet, features brighter graphics, cleaner layouts and lots more functionality. However, this launch is a work in progress so some content and links are still being developed. As new features...

Question of the Week

Once again the FHA’s Legislative Action Committee is posting a multiple-choice quiz to test your knowledge about your rights as a floating homeowner. This week’s question is: You’re selling your home and you and the buyers have agreed on a price and conditions. The buyers need financing to complete the...

Prevent Rodents from Disabling Your Vehicle

A neighbor just had to have her van towed out of the Gate 6 ½ parking lot to repair damage from rodents. This and similar reports from our community prompted a bit of internet research into suggestions for preventing this kind of damage. Here are some tips from Consumer Reports:...

High–Efficiency Toilet Rebates Available

According to HGTV,  California has limited toilet flushes to a mere 1.28 gallons per flush. That limit is now the standard for the current generation of “high-efficiency” toilets (HET) that earn a WaterSense certification from the EPA. The Marin Municipal Water District is encouraging customers to replace old toilets with new...