Tsunami Rolls in — Barely

On Saturday morning, phones were buzzing with voice mails, texts and emails warning of a tsunami advisory. Triggered by an underwater volcanic eruption in the South Pacific, a series of wave surges was expected to plow into the bay throughout the day, with water possibly rising to king tide levels....

Use BioBags for Your Food Scraps

Did you know you can line the compost pail in your kitchen with BioBag compostable bags (or other compostable liners) to simplify transport and cleaning? Bagging green waste in compostable materials also keeps the collection bins cleaner and reduces odors. Collection bins in Sausalito and Marin City are serviced by...

7-foot Tides for New Years

Predictions from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are that king tides (above 6.5’) will return from December 28 through January 4, peaking at 7 feet or more on January 1 through January 3. Currently, the forecast is for dry skies during that period, but if storms do arrive,...

Otters Popping Up all Over

“After Decades Away, River Otters Make a Triumphant Return to the Bay Area” reported Bay Nature Magazine in 2016. Writer Kat McGown reported: “the fact that otters are back in the Bay Area of their own accord without any reintroduction program to help them looks like a reason to declare...

High Tides and Rain on the Horizon

Unusually high tides of 6.5’ or more are expected from Thursday, November 4 through Monday, November 8. There’s also a chance of rain on Thursday, Sunday and Monday, which could lead to flooding at low points such as the 101/Marin City offramp, Manzanita Park & Ride lot, and some portions...

News from the RBRA

The next meeting of the Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency (RBRA) is October 14, and an advance peek at the board packet for the meeting disclosed a number of new developments to be discussed. First, RBRA Harbormaster Curtis Havel has announced his departure at the end of the month to pursue...

Annual Closure for Richardson Bay Bird Sanctuary

From October 1 of this year to March 31 of next year, approximately 900 acres of Richardson Bay waters will be closed to all boat traffic—including paddle boards, kayaks, and canoes. The annual closure creates a sanctuary for tens of thousands of migratory ducks, geese, and shorebirds while they refuel...

Climate Action Workshops Start Sept 15

Are you ready to take effective, measurable climate action and help build disaster–resilient communities? Join a Climate Action Team by signing up to participate in a free five–session virtual workshop presented by Resilient Neighborhoods. Whether you’ve done a little or a lot already, there are over 100 actions to choose...

Coordinator Needed for Coastal Cleanup

Jen Gennari of Issaquah Dock has led our community in Coastal Cleanup since 2017, but as this year’s date approaches, she’s on the East Coast. In her absence, is there anyone willing to serve as the point of contact for picking up materials and reporting back to the Bay Model...

Not-Quite-UFOs over the Bay on Monday

Evenings are popular times for a stroll around Waldo Point Harbor—on warm weather days especially, you’ll see residents out walking their dogs, children playing in the park, boaters taking a sunset cruise, and others enjoying the sunshine and scenery. If you happened to be out (or looking out of your...