Audubon Sanctuary Closed to Boats

The Richardson Bay Audubon Sanctuary has closed to all boat traffic—including paddle boards, kayaks, and canoes—until March 31. The annual closure protects tens of thousands of migratory ducks, geese, and shorebirds while they refuel for their journeys south. The closure is mandated by an ordinance of the Richardson’s Bay Regional...

Red Tide Muddies the Waters

  For the past few days, the media have been running scary stories about an algae bloom which has caused a red tide offshore and in parts of San Francisco Bay. The red tide results from a higher-than-normal concentration of a microscopic algae (plantlike organism) known as Heterosigma akashiwo, which...

In-Person Coastal Cleanups are Back

On the third Saturday of September, volunteers all over the world will converge on beaches, shorelines and inland waterways to pick up trash and remove dangerous debris. Considered the largest marine–related volunteer event in the world, Coastal Cleanup Day is a wonderful opportunity to lend a hand and make a...

Surprise! Mooring Field Scrapped

The recent front-page headline in the Marin IJ, “Richardson Bay agency scraps mooring field plan” took most of us by surprise, including Sausalito councilmember Jill Hoffman, who has been a vocal opponent of the plan since it was first suggested by the RBRA in 2014. Hoffman reiterated her concerns with...

RBRA Offers to Buy Back Anchor-Outs

On June 23, the board of directors of the Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency (RBRA) voted unanimously to initiate a buyback incentive program to accelerate the removal of vessels from the anchorage. Interim Executive Director Steve McGrath said the agency will offer owners of vessels anchored in local waters $150 per...

Bay Cleanup Makes a Difference

About 20 people attended the May 1 Bay cleanup sponsored by 13-year old Oscar Melet of Gate 6 ½. Oscar’s mom, Nikki, reported that the group retrieved a large tarpaulin, styrofoam, ChapStick, a pill bottle and more. “We noticed there was way less trash than last year,” she pointed out...

Bay Cleanup May 1

Oscar Melet, a 13-year-old on Gate 6 ½, will host his second annual water-access bay cleanup on Sunday, May 1, from 11:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Oscar says, “I hope you can join us on your own water vessel. If you need to rent, try Sea Trek. It’ll be super...

County Considers Reusable Foodware Ordinance Apr 19

David Moreno of Main Dock passes along the news that on April 19, the Marin County Board of Supervisors will have their first hearing and vote on a draft ordinance addressing reusable foodware. A final adoption vote is scheduled for May 10. If adopted, the ordinance will: Replace single-use plastic packaging...

King Tides Return This Weekend

Five days of king tides (over 6.5’) will begin this Saturday, causing flooding in low–lying areas of Southern Marin. Here’s the schedule: Sat.        1/29       8:32 a.m.          6.7’ Sun.       1/30       9:28 a.m.          6.9’ Mon.     1/31       10:21a.m.    ...