Diatoms: algae that live in glass houses

We don’t notice much of the life in the water around our floating homes because the individual organisms are too small. Diatoms fit that description; they range in size between 2 and 200 microns (0.002 to 0.2 mm). Anything 2 microns long, about 4 wavelengths of light, is well below...

How to Take Action on Climate Change

East Pierians Wilford Welch and Terri Thomas presented a climate change symposium at the Sausalito Library in February. Wilford acknowledged the challenges of getting people to focus on these issues and move from concern about the climate crisis, to actions that individuals can take to solve it. He stressed that...

Eelgrass Has its Enforcers

Last week Michael Konrad of South 40 Pier provided a primer on eel grass, a key component of the ecology of Richardson’s Bay. This week he examines threats to eel grass and what is being done about them. The damage that anchored boats can inflict on eelgrass is often mentioned...

Eelgrass, a whale of a plant

Biochemist and marine biologist Michael Konrad of South 40 Pier sends along the following natural history of one of our most important neighbors, eelgrass: Life began in the ocean. Then continents generated by tectonic plate movements gradually became hospitable to life, and some living organisms migrated onto this new dry...

Climate Change Symposium Feb. 9

This poster announces a Climate Change symposium featuring East Pier residents Wilford Welch and Terri Thomas, along with ex-Mayor Janelle Kellman. It is being held at the Sausalito Library on Friday, February 9 at 6:00 p.m.  

High Tides and Rain Forecast

According to the Southern Marin Fire Protection District, tides of 6.5 feet or more will occur every day through Friday. They will peak in the mornings through Thursday, and at 12:14 p.m. on Friday, December 15. Although no rain is forecast for the week, these tides are high enough to...

Get Rewarded for Green Trips

The Marin Commutes Rewards program allows anyone living or working in Marin County to earn up to $500 per year for logging eligible green trips. Wherever you’re going, you can earn rewards for walking, biking, taking transit, carpooling, and vanpooling. You can also earn rewards for working from home. How...

Small animal neighbors on our docks

Living on the water means having animal neighbors that land residents infrequently see. The terns, gulls, egrets, herons, pelicans, and cormorants are familiar to us all, and if you live near deeper water, you may see seals. Schools of small fish swim in both shallow and deep water around our...

Heat Pump Water Heaters Save Energy and Money

Heat pump water heaters pull heat from the surrounding air into a water tank, using the same technology a refrigerator uses but in reverse. Because they move heat from one place to another rather than generating heat directly, heat pumps can be two to three times more efficient than conventional...