FHA Board Meeting Notes – June 20, 2016

To keep everyone up to date on what the FHA Board has been doing, here’s a bullet list of the important and interesting things that happened at the June 20, 2016 Board Meeting: Members of the Point San Pablo floating homes community attended the meeting and asked questions about steps necessary to purchase their marina. Jim...

Tour Tix Selling Fast

  Nearly half of the 500 advance tickets being offered for our September 24 Open Homes Tour have already been sold—before we’ve even issued our first press release. Congratulations to JoAnn Dunaway for arranging for two busloads of folks from the Sacramento area, and to our social media pros, Windy...

FHA Board Meeting Notes – May 16 2016

To keep everyone up to date on what the FHA Board has been doing, here’s a bullet list of the important and interesting things that happened at the MaY 16, 2016 Board Meeting: First Aid for Disaster Response Training was scheduled for June 25th. Click here for details. CERT Training will be held on Saturday, October...

Tour Progressing Ahead of Schedule

Ten residents of South 40, Liberty and Main docks have offered to open their homes for our Sept. 24 tour. The Tour Committee is now looking for one or two backup boats on Liberty or Main. If you’d like to help, please contact Michele Affronte: maffronte99@gmail.com. To date, over 100...

Kazoo Band Needs Director

It’s time to resurrect the Humming Toadfish Marching Kazoo Band for Sausalito’s 4th of July Parade. This marching unit has been a long-time feature of the parade, and was actually judged Best Entry in 2009. The job of Director involves recruiting kazoo players, selecting the playlist of appropriate songs (Yellow...

Diversity Matters in Seafood

You’re probably familiar with CSAs, or Community Supported Agriculture, but there are now CSFs—Community Supported Fisheries—that source local, sustainable seafood. You can subscribe to a service that drops off healthy, flavorful, sustainable seafood for you to pick up at participating locations. In our area, there’s a Thursday drop at Davey...

Sausalito People: Remembering Evan Connell

DATE: Friday April 15 TIME: 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: Sausalito Library ADMISSION: free Friends of Evan Connell will share memories of the Sausalito author and editor at the Sausalito Library—Friday, April 15—7:00 p.m. Connell is best known for the two novels “Mrs. Bridge” and “Mr. Bridge,” considered among the finest of...

FHA Board Meeting Notes – Feb 8, 2016

TO KEEP EVERYONE UP TO DATE ON WHAT THE FHA BOARD HAS BEEN DOING, HERE’S A BULLET LIST OF THE IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING THINGS THAT HAPPENED AT THE february 8, 2016 BOARD MEETINGS: Issaquah Dock was applauded for the number of renewals that have come through recently. All Dock Reps were given current reports so...