Epic Fishing Day!

Bill Finn Hooks a Sturgeon — May 3 2017 | video by Court Mast We met behind my house on West Pier at 7am on Wednesday, May 3. East Pier neighbor Bill Finn climbed into my 13-foot Boston Whaler and we headed out on glassy water—past Strawberry, around Tiburon, under...

Community Arts Round Up

  In a quick round up of arts-related events, this week marks both the 2017 Open Studios and the start of the monthly Sausalito Art Walk at Caledonia Street. 2ND WEDNESDAYS MAY – SEPTEMBER 4-8 PM Local businesses, situated along the length of Caledonia Street, will host receptions for a rotation of artists. The artists...

Our Voices Have Been Heard

Earlier this week, over at Waldo Point Harbor, we saw the notice that Aquamaster, a toxic herbicide produced by Monsanto, was about to be sprayed around our beautiful bay. Issaquah dock reps Ali Johnston and myself (Sandy Harford) quickly put the word out to our dock mates that they just might want to weigh in on this issue. It’s well...

Please Give Our Geese a Break

These are trying times. Canada Geese are nesting on our docks, in our planter boxes and on occasion on our rooftops. It can be particularly unnerving to be walking down the dock—lost in thought—only to be jolted to attention by the sudden hiss of a Canada goose. Rumors abound, which—even if...

Lights Out for Dark-Sky Week

  Five Ways to Celebrate Dark Sky Week! The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is a great resource and orientation for the week that starts with Earth Day (April 22) and ends with the spring new moon (April 28). However you choose to spend the week—whether only using the lights you really need,...

Movies Around the World

This short 3-minute film—aired midway through the awards presentations the night of the Oscars, February 26—is now available to view (for free). It was commissioned by the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences and produced and filmed by our own East Pier filmmakers Will Parrinello and John Antonelli (Mill Valley Film Group). Enjoy! Movies Around...

Brave New World as Ducklings Hatch

Passels of ducklings, and goslings—along with their watchful parents—can be seen waddling and swimming about in various locations throughout the floating homes community. Over on South 40, Caroline Hall and Michael McNeill’s planter box provided the ideal set up for a pair of Mallard Ducks to build a nest. The just-hatched ducklings—who launch themselves straight out of the...

Invasive Sea Lavender Threatens Our Shores

  The Marin Audubon Invasive Sea Lavender Removal Project welcomes volunteers. To RSVP for a Sunday work session, please email Jude Stalker. You will receive notice of the date and location of any upcoming work sessions. All gloves, tools, supplies, snacks and instruction will be provided. This is the story of a plant that snuck...