Are You Prepared for a Power Outage?

Emergency Services Chair Flo Hoylman warns that PG&E may need to cut power transmission to certain areas for as long as five days during fire season to decrease fire risk. She is organizing a communication coordinating committee with at least one person, preferably more, from each dock to help neighbors...

What a Load of Crap!

Recently a South 40 resident bagged over 20 dog deposits on the South 40 lawn and left the bags along a path as perhaps a too-subtle reminder to dog owners to pick up after their pets. A half hour later, a fresh deposit was spotted by the path. These deposits...

A Labor Day Weekend to Remember

A Labor Day weekend to remember—or forget—depending upon how one managed to survive the heatwave. Joy Dryden (West Pier) describes the intense heat—105 degrees in the shade—on the afternoon of Friday, September 1: I decided at the most heat (105°) to seek refuge at my air conditioned office. As I...