100 Pounds Less Trash in the Bay

The water-borne bay cleanup on August 20 netted over 100 pounds of trash, including a bug-infested cushion, two chairs, a fishing pole, a lighter, a soccer ball, beer cans, water bottles, netting, plastic bucket, and a life preserver. Thanks to Oscar Melet and his family for hosting this event from...

Dispatch from Maui

Robb and Jane Petty were neighbors on Gate 6 ½ until last year, when they bought their dream home in West Maui. Last week they were back on the dock, preparing their floating home for sale, when the wildfires struck the island. Learning that their Maui home had been spared,...

Bay Cleanup Aug 20

Gate 6 ½ teenager Oscar Melet is hosting his third annual Richardson Bay cleanup on Sunday, August 20 from noon to 2:00 PM. This is a water-borne cleanup, so to participate, come to the north side of Gate 6 ½ on a kayak, paddle board or boat. Oscar and his...

Gate 6 ½ Teen Sails in World Championship Regatta

Oscar Melet of Gate 6 ½ competed in the recent world championship regatta for 420 class two-person trapeze and spinnaker racing dinghies. The regatta was held in July at the Real Club de Regatas de Alicante on the Mediterranean coast of Spain and included 277 crews from 22 countries. He...

Houseboat Humor

Donna Lunsford of Gate 6 ½ forwarded this amusing illustration. It seems everyone wants to get in on the houseboat action, even Admiral Picard.

Secretary Sought for FHA Board

FHA Board Secretary Linda Futrell and her husband Chris have put their Gate 6 ½ home on the market, and Linda will be resigning her position. The Board is seeking a new secretary, whose duties include: Creating agendas for monthly board meetings Distributing agenda and reports Taking minutes of board...

Tragic Death on Gate 6 1/2

Jim Gordon, who moved to Gate 6 ½ Dock last May, died tragically on September 6 after being hit by a cyclist while walking near his new home. His widow Felicity wrote the following memorial to her late husband: Jim was generous with his time and with his resources, and...

6 ½ Goes Bicoastal

When I first moved to Gate 6 ½, I thought I had one of the most unique addresses on the planet. Indeed, it caused confusion at the Sausalito Post Office and in computer programs all over the world. But just recently my stepdaughter Jennifer sent me a photo of 6½...

Love Letter to a Dock

Diana Wolf moved to Gate 6 ½ in 1995. She and her husband Brent raised a son and daughter on the dock before moving to Novato several years ago. They kept the floating home, which they had built together, on the end of the dock as a rental property, until...

Bay Cleanup May 1

Oscar Melet, a 13-year-old on Gate 6 ½, will host his second annual water-access bay cleanup on Sunday, May 1, from 11:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Oscar says, “I hope you can join us on your own water vessel. If you need to rent, try Sea Trek. It’ll be super...