Van Damme Turns 100 in Style

Over 100 pirates, wharf rats, and nostalgia buffs gathered at the Sausalito Seahorse on November 18 to celebrate the 100th birthday of the ferryboat Charles Van Damme, and to support efforts to restore the old ship’s paddlewheel and smokestack. The colorful crowd danced to live music by Fiver Brown, Jerry...

Cloud Cover for a UFO?!?

Donna writes: What we caught was a lenticular cloud. It was photographed May 20th over a period of 16 minutes, starting at 7:54 PM. I sent it to a NASA friend who said, “These small symmetrical rather self-contained clouds are typically formed downwind of mountain peaks.” Sort of a condensed...

January High Tide WARNING

    High Tides are here again. Avoid parking along the water’s edge for at least an hour before and an hour after these high tides. Parking lots that haven’t been recently raised may flood if, or in event of a low pressure front or unfavorable wind conditions. Warn your Guests! A few 2016...

Heart and Soul

Returning on foot from pancakes at the Lighthouse, we find two people playing Heart and Soul on a found-art piano near Dunphy Park. Laughter and music fill the air and we applaud their impromptu performance. Later, I do some research on Google and discover The Larry Clinton Orchestra, Heart and Soul,...