Board Meeting Notes – Dec 2020

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE DECEMBER 8 FHA BOARD MEETING: Peter Hudson (Main Dock) will run for vice president of the FHA Board at the January 12 meeting. Other officers will run for re-election: President Michael Labate, Secretary Linda Sempliner and Treasurer...

Safety Tips from PG&E

With so little rainfall this autumn, fire season will last longer than usual. In response, PG&E is offering planning tips for dealing with power shutoffs and other emergencies.  While some of these tips are specifically for older adults and individuals with independent living needs, others apply to everyone. Each of...

Plug into Backup Batteries

In a November 14 webinar, Martin Herzfeld of the Interstate Renewable Energy Council discussed stand-alone backup battery systems as an alternative to generators. Most of these systems can be charged by household electricity (or grid power) for those who don’t have solar panels. They can power devices and appliances during...

Board Meeting Notes – Nov 2020

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE NOVEMBER 10 FHA BOARD MEETING: Treasurer Teddie Hathaway reported that the FHA had a net gain in revenues for the month of October. Cash reserves are $43,847, down from $50,130 at the beginning of the year. Dock...

More Dock Safety Tips

Fire is an ever-present danger on in our community, and during the recent dock safety webinar, a number of fire prevention and firefighting tips were provided by Marshal Nau, fire inspector with the Mill Valley Fire Department and a member of the Southern Marin Fire Protection District (SMFPD): Clean your...

Dock Safety Tips from the Pros

The dock safety webinar recently presented by officials from the Southern Marin Fire Protection District offered many helpful insights into how to survive a fire in or around the floating homes community. Emergency Services Chair Flo Hoylman opened the webinar by reporting that 97% of respondents to the recent FHA...

FHA Survey Results Now Online

We recently reported a summary of findings from the FHA survey of the floating homes community. Now you can see the results of the survey in detail on the FHA website. FHA Membership co-chairs Lisa McNelley and Jill Sherman created the anonymous survey online via Survey Monkey. Dock reps forwarded...