Masks Now Mandatory

As of Wednesday morning, April 22, people over the age of 12 in Marin and other Bay Area counties are required to wear face masks in public. It is now mandatory to cover our noses and mouths when we leave home to go to the doctor, grocery store or other...

New Dinner Delivery Service

Davey “Jones” Johnson of Davey Jones Deli and his Van Damme Dock neighbor Maria Finn have just started a dinner delivery plan for Sausalito, Marin City and Mill Valley called Port & Provisions. They’re preparing one dinner for Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, with vegan/vegetarian options. The meals will be...

Knocking Out CO2 to Save the Planet

Have you heard of the Floating Carbon Knockouts? To mix metaphors, instead of a batting average, they earn resilience points. Instead of counting runs to win the game, they tally the amount of CO² they keep out of the atmosphere. The Knockouts are a local Resilient Neighborhoods (RN)  climate action...