FHA Tour: “Homefront on the Waterfront”

Rosie the Riveter and several Wendy the Welders relive their Homefront on the Waterfront glory days  |  image by Rich Gelber  |  post by Larry Clinton

The September 30, 2017 Floating Homes Tour will tie in with the 75th Anniversary of Marinship, which helped to foster today’s waterfront community. Although Gate 6 Road and the area north of there weren’t technically part of the vast WWII shipyard, these areas were settled after the war by returning GIs and others seeking low-cost housing. Landowners like Donlan Arques allowed these hardy souls to salvage lifeboats, balloon barges and other surplus material from Marinship, to beach or anchor them in this area, and make homes out of them.  Some of these craft still survive, and a selection will be showcased during the tour.

In all, 15 unique floating homes will be featured—some for the first time, others after extensive remodeling. Special attractions include a ferry which serviced Mare Island Shipyard during the War, and a fanciful ark fashioned atop a steel lifeboat.

Docents from the community will be on board to answer questions. Other attractions will include 40s cars and music, local artists and authors, plus food and drink for purchase. Visitors and volunteers are encouraged join the fun and come dressed 40s-style

Advance reservations are highly recommended and may be made HERE.

Over 200 volunteers are needed to stage this event. All are welcome—residents or not—so if you know of someone who loves or is fascinated by floating homes, please let them know we would welcome their help. Each volunteer will receive a special pass to visit any and all homes on the Tour, plus there will also be a free volunteer thank-you party immediately afterward, with live music, drinks and munchies.

To volunteer for a specific position, please go online to SIGN UP and register, or contact Volunteer Coordinator Kay Horne by email at kayhornefha@yahoo.com. The sooner you sign up, the better your chance of getting the assignment and shift you want.

Offsite parking will be provided in the WestAmerica office complex on Harbor Drive, just off Bridgeway. Free shuttles will transport visitors and volunteers alike to tour headquarters on Kappas Green. There is no tour parking in the floating homes community.

The annual Floating Homes tour is the major source of funding for the nonprofit Floating Homes Association, and proceeds are shared with Sausalito Village and the Friends of the Marin City Library.