Linda Sempliner registering attendees at 2019 Annual Meeting, with Felicity Kirsch of Commodore and Helen Vandemann of Gate 6 1/2 (right to left) | photo and post by Larry Clinton
Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the October 12 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times
FHA Administrative Coordinator Linda Sempliner is resigning since she and her husband Ted are moving out of state in November. Lisa McNelley will take over for Linda as Secretary and Coordinator. Treasurer Teddie Hathaway will keep the FHA books. Linda was thanked for her many years of dedicated service to the FHA.
Julie Durbin (West Pier) reported that three chairs have been requested for people who have passed: Barbara Duncan, Pam Bousquet and Dimitrio Aparicio. These will be paid for by the Fund-A-Need campaign from the FHA Virtual Gala and Tour. Michael Labate will assemble the chairs and get them to their permanent places. We will clarify with Waldo Point Harbor whether the chairs will be put in the park or on the docks.
Linda contacted the dock reps and alternates to see who will serve for 2022. A preliminary candidate list was distributed with the board packet. So far no one from Yellow Ferry Harbor has stepped up as dock rep or alternate.
Pete Hudson is looking for artists, authors and volunteers for Day in the Park on Sunday, October 24.
FHA dues will be reduced for new members who join online at A Day in the Park and for the next week. Look for the FHA membership table at Day in the Park for assistance.
Membership Co-Chairs Jill Sherman and Lisa McNelley are lining up food and speakers for the FHA Annual Meeting and party at Bay Model, on February 26, 2022. This year we will serve finger foods with standup tables so people can mingle. We’ll follow county rules about COVID-19 and masks and vaccinations. The meeting is open to everyone in the community. The party is free to FHA members, but admission will be charged for non–member guests. If you can help with the meeting or party, please contact Jill.
Emergency Preparedness Chair Flo Hoylman reminded everyone that Day in the Park attendees can get fire extinguishers repaired, replaced or recycled.
Environmental Chair Doug Young will set up a community meeting to discuss expanding the installation of electric vehicle charging stations. Denise Kendall of Issaquah Dock volunteered to help.
Jim Rettew (Liberty Dock) reported on recent burglaries in the parking lots. We will seek advice from the Sheriff for increasing security. Reinstating security patrols and improving lighting on the docks and in the parking lots are two possibilities.