We all should be prepared to evacuate our homes and docks in the event of a local disaster. On Saturday, July 27, the Southern Marin Fire Protection District will conduct a voluntary emergency evacuation drill for Sausalito’s northern neighborhoods, including our community. We can expect to receive multiple notifications of this drill.
The evacuation drill will help first responders assess the issues that may arise if an evacuation became necessary due to a disaster such as a wildfire, earthquake, or tsunami.
The drill will begin at 10:00 a.m. with an activation of the Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS), a reverse 9-1-1 dialing system that can be used to alert residents in the event of an emergency. Calls will automatically go to telephone land lines in the evacuation area. To sign up to receive alerts via smartphone, text message, or email, please visit the website of Alert Marin.
When residents receive the alert on July 27, they will be asked to evacuate to a drill command center located at the basketball courts at MLK Park. Participants in the drill are encouraged to evacuate by foot or bike. If you choose to evacuate by auto, there will be an area for temporary parking.
The command center will be active between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and will provide emergency information and demonstrations by community emergency partners such as the Marin Humane Society, the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, Whistlestop Wheels, and the Marin County Office of Emergency Services.
Any questions about the voluntary evacuation drill on July 27 may be directed to Battalion Chief Scott Barnes.