No More No Less

Jim Woessner, long-time author and Issaquah resident, has just published his new book of micro fiction. No More No Less is a collection of short, short stories (each story is exactly 100 words!) that range from evocative observations on life and nature to comedic musings on the trivial and absurd....

Holiday Safety Tips

PG&E’s Safety Action Center sends along these tips for a safe holiday season. Whether you’re decorating, traveling, or hosting, keep these key pointers in mind: 1) Holiday Lighting: Use LED lights and power strips to reduce fire hazards, as they stay cool and use less energy, saving you money on...

Progress and Challenges for Local School District

We recently reported on the consolidation of students from Marin City to the Sausalito school campus in order to pool resources and maintain more efficient operations. As the Marin IJ has reported: “The issue was controversial because of the transfer of middle school students out of Marin City, leaving its...

Legislative Action Committee (LAC) Marks Progress

Following the FHA’s communication of attorney Ken Coren’s memo to the Marina owners, WPH and Kappas requested to meet. LAC responded by establishing a subgroup to meet with marina executives that included residents of all harbors. The subgroup’s primary purpose was to explain LAC’s opposition to fees charged since the...

 LAC Meets With WPH

In May, The FHA’s Legislative Action Committee (LAC) circulated a memo from attorney Ken Coren regarding recent fees and costs imposed on residents by various marinas. On July 18, LAC members from each marina met with Waldo Point Harbor executives and their attorney, Charles Olson, to discuss the memo. This...

Waldo Point Harbor Meeting Set

As detailed in an email blast on May 28, the Floating Homes Association (FHA) has heard many concerns from floating home residents about fees and costs charged by or policies imposed by their marinas. In response, the FHA, through its Legislative Action Committee (LAC) and generous donations from residents, engaged...

Thanks and Congratulations for DITP

The FHA’s May 19 Day in the Park was a success thanks to the talents and energy of dozens of volunteers, sponsors, vendors, local officials and contest competitors. Denise Kendall and her chihuahua Cookie won the pet costume contest. The tiny horses provided by Ken Coren (Baby, Zeek, and Zoey)...

Houseboat Wars at the Library

The houseboat wars of the late 70s have inspired films, books, and even a play performed in 2023 in Mill Valley. Now the author of that play, John Byrne Barry, has adapted it into a novel, Pirates of Sausalito: Houseboat Wars Murder Mystery, a colorful retelling one of Sausalito’s most...

Will Fair Plan Rate Increases Affect Us?

“Californians on the FAIR Plan — the state’s ‘insurer of last resort’ — can expect to see their rates rise sharply in the near future,” reported the San Francisco Chronicle last week. Since many floating homes are covered by the Fair Plan, the Floating Times reached out to Samantha Fazio...

Who Supported AB252?

Here’s installment #5 in our series of multiple-choice quizzes posed by the FHA’s Legislative Action Committee: Which of these supported or endorsed AB252, which prohibited increasing berth rent when a houseboat sells in its berth and capped annual rent increases at 5%? American Civil Liberties Union City of Sausalito City...