Choppers Overhead through Thurs, Apr 30

PG&E is conducting routine low-level helicopter patrols to inspect gas transmission and distribution lines in Marin County, as part of its six-month leak survey and maintenance program. A helicopter will fly over parts of Wolfback Ridge and San Rafael through April 30. Flights will be coming and going from the Hayward...

Last King Tides of Winter Coming Soon

Tides of 6.5’ or more are predicted for February 7-9, with the highest tides on Friday and Saturday mornings. To determine the exact times of these high tides, check the interactive tide chart on the right side of this page; by clicking on the Day + button, you can advance...

Local Weather Forecasts

Unfortunately, none of the local TV weather services accurately reports North Richardson Bay weather; nor does the Weather Channel’s banner for Sausalito. The only one forecaster that does is Weather Underground, a San Francisco-based forecasting service built on a network of 180,000 reporting stations. WU has dozens of local wi-fi reporting...

E-waste Collection Jan 25

The City of Sausalito’s annual E-waste Collection Event returns to the City Hall parking lot on Saturday, January 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Residents are encouraged to bring old and worn out electronic equipment to the parking lot, which may be entered off Bee Street. The e-waste collection...

The Roiling Sea

Sea level is not level at all. Just as the surface of the earth is not flat, the surface of the ocean is not flat. Because the earth rotates to the east and because the ocean responds slowly to the rotation* and the surface of the sea piles up along...

Knocking Out CO2 to Save the Planet

Have you heard of the Floating Carbon Knockouts? To mix metaphors, instead of a batting average, they earn resilience points. Instead of counting runs to win the game, they tally the amount of CO² they keep out of the atmosphere. The Knockouts are a local Resilient Neighborhoods (RN)  climate action...