Herring in our Bay

The first large ethnic group to move to Marin in the 19th century were Portuguese from the Azores Islands. One sign of this heritage is the Portuguese Cultural Center at the Northwest end of Caledonia Street. The entrance is labeled “IDESST Center”, or “Imandade do Divino Espirito Santo e Santissima...

BCDC Seeks Input on Coastal Management

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) encourages each coastal zone management program, like the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), to create a five-year Assessment and Strategy (A&S) to guide its program development and strengthen and improve its operations. BCDC has just started this process. The A&S will cover...

Ocean Science Open House Oct 13

The Estuary & Ocean Science Center (EOS), located at SF State’s Romberg Tiburon Campus, is hosting a day of discovery on Sunday, October 13. From 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Attendees will experience science in action at the only marine lab on San Francisco Bay. This is a chance to...

Big Turnout for Love the Bay Day

Over 130 concerned citizens of area code 94965 crowded into the Spinnaker Restaurant this past Saturday to explore projected flooding and sea level rise (SLR) impacts across our community. The goals of the gathering were to understand our vulnerability to SLR, to introduce adaptation tools and strategies, and to allow...

Our Farallon Adventure

In the pre-dawn hours, we (West Pier residents Court Mast and Stefan Krug) slowly motored our 17-foot Boston Whaler away from my floating home and into Richardson Bay. With two spotlights focused on the dark water in front of us, we headed toward the Golden Gate Bridge under the light...

Bacteria in our Bay

There is a beautiful little beach in the middle of Schoonmaker Marina. On sunny summer days you see children and parents lying on the sand and splashing in the water, maybe even a few serious swimmers [Fig. 1]. But typically, several times a year you will find the beach empty...

Public Input Needed for Flood Planning

In March, we reported on plans to decrease flooding in and around Marin City which seemed to overlook erosion under Gate 6 ½ homes caused by the outflow from a detention pond between the Gateway Center and Highway 101. Since that time, residents have met with officials of the county...

Don’t Feed the Geese

West Pier dock rep Tristan Thomas passes along a reminder that humans feeding geese and other waterfowl can have unintended negative consequences. Says Tristan: “Before reaching for that loaf of bread and soaking in that joy and excitement of feeding the fowl, remember that over feeding results in more poop...

June King Tides Return

As we approach the summer solstice, the combination of lunar phase and the solar aphelion (when earth is most distant from the sun) generate especially high tides. Tides that exceed 6.5′ can cause flooding on Gate 5 Road in Sausalito, in low-lying areas of Marin City and in some floating...