Irrigation: Not Simply a Question of On & Off

This is the second of two posts on water usage. The first is a reminder of the Marin Municipal Water Department (MMWD) water regulations currently in effect, and a look at the new generation of smart irrigation controllers: How Smart is Smart Phone-Controlled Irrigation? This post points to MMWD tools and tips to help us be water...

Earth Day – À Chacun Son Goût

Earth Day—April 22—always sneaks up on me; to tell the truth I’ve never been that excited by the day. I think my febrile teenage mind was informed by the 60s and yet by 1970, when Earth Day was first celebrated, the event felt manufactured. For context, my mother was never...

Start Small: Grassroots Environmentalism

Earth Day is Friday, April 22 this year, but the best observance occurred earlier, on April 18, when the Goldman Foundation recognized its 2016 prize recipients. For the last 27 years, the Goldman Foundation honors six individuals who have triumphed against greed to save their local environment, one from each continent....

Dock Budgets for Composting

To encourage composting, the FHA board has agreed to set up a budget of $5 per household—per year—for each dock. We hope this marina-wide program—benefitting all residents—will increase awareness. As more people compost we will divert more waste away from our landfills, and improve the quality of our planet as...

A Drop in the Bucket

  A while back the Environmental Committee discussed how our community could be better informed about our water usage, and if knowing how much water we use would affect our choices. Could immediately available feedback exert a positive effect on our behavior? Individual water metering turned out to be prohibitively...

Strange Things Are Happening

No one can say for sure what the effects of the coming El Niño will be, but unusual appearances of sea creatures are occurring off the California coast, as local waters have already begun warming up. The Marine Mammal Center has rescued more northern fur seals in 2015 than any...