Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the May 9 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times.
- FHA President Pete Hudson announced that the annual Membership Campaign will kick off at Day in the Park and will continue throughout the summer. He reminded dock reps to update their dock resident lists so they will know who hasn’t joined the Association.
- Pete also announced that he is exploring a Houseboat Living Fair as a fundraiser this fall.
- FHA Treasurer Linda Futrell remarked that income exceeded expenses by $508 in April. As of April 30, the FHA had received $3000 in membership dues or 46% of the 2023 budget of $6500 in just four months.
- Dock Reps were asked to share the FHA website with neighbors so they have the link to pay online.
- Lynn Lester was appointed Liberty Dock rep and will run for election in November.
- BettyAnn Kram (Issaquah) says the Private Tour Committee plans to upgrade their page on the FHA website.
- Vice President Liz Brott (W. Pier) is planning a workshop for everyone who wants to work on the website. She asked Board members to send her their photos and bios for the members-only section of site. Committee Chairs will be expected to update their sections on the site.
- Teddie Hathaway is no longer serving as Government Relations Chair, and Michele Affronte is no longer handling public relations, so volunteers are needed to replace them.
- Varda Landing marina has been invited to be part of FHA, but have not gotten involved yet.
- After discussions with our County supervisor and state Assemblymember regarding AB252, the next step will include discussions with harbor managements.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 13, 7:00 p.m.