- Treasurer Teddie Hathaway reported that the Floating Homes Association (FHA) ended 2020 with an even smaller loss than budgeted. A financial report for the past year will be presented at the February 23 Annual Meeting and will be published in the Floating Times.
- The slate of nominees for FHA officers was elected unanimously: Michael Labate, President; Peter Hudson, Vice President; Linda Sempliner, Secretary; and Teddie Hathaway, Treasurer. They will each serve two-year terms.
- South 40 dock rep Michael van Walt volunteered to coordinate FHA study groups on two subjects. Group 1 will research residents’ legal rights under each marina’s lease. This study group should include FHA members from Waldo Point Harbor, Kappas Marina, Yellow Ferry Harbor and Commodore Marina. Group 2 will research issues of hull maintenance, repair or replacement, following up on the panel discussion at the February 23 annual meeting.
The findings of these study groups will be shared with the community via the Floating Times and perhaps with instructional videos on the FHA website.
If you would like to join either of these study groups, or if you have questions you’d like them to research, please contact Michael.
- The FHA Annual Meeting will be on February 23 (the 4th Tuesday in February) on Zoom. Everyone will be sent a Zoom link for this meeting, along with an agenda. FHA members may attend for free; non-members will be charged $5 each unless they join the association beforehand. The meeting will be recorded for those who would prefer to watch it later.
- The Board agreed to purchase new batteries for the three FHA defibrillators, and to repair one that isn’t working. One is installed outside on 15 Liberty Dock and two are currently stored in the Disaster Response trailer on Gate 6 Road. Emergency Services Chair Flo Hoylman is working with Michael Lewis of A Dock to create a video showing the contents of the trailer. The Floating Times will announce when it will appear on the website.
- Barbara Rycersky of A Dock and Michael van Walt reported on failures of electrical connections which caused damage to appliances and other problems. FHA Vice President Pete Hudson will prepare an article for the Floating Times on maintaining and troubleshooting electrical connections.
- By the end of January, the weekly email alerts to new articles in the Floating Times will be sent to everyone in the FHA database, with an option to opt out for those who would prefer not to get future e-lerts.
- Liberty Dock Rep Jim Rettew and Jen Gennari of Issaquah showed three prototypes for a new website design that will have more functionality than our current site. After the meeting, Jim circulated a survey for Board members to express their opinions about the designs.
- Jennifer Gennari is stepping down as Environmental Chair. She’d like to hear from anyone interested in working on this committee, which is looking into solar charged EV charging stations for our parking lots, in addition to other green initiatives.
- Katherine Boschetto of Issaquah Dock noted that destination management companies that put tours together for spouses of San Francisco conventioneers have been the best source of private tours for groups of 40 or less. Katherine will work with Carole Angermeir and Julan Pekkain of East Pier to prepare for the day when we can begin hosting these tours again.
- Larry Clinton of Gate 6 ½ discussed a proposal from Julie Durbin of West Pier for a virtual tour similar to a recent online fundraiser for Performing Stars of Marin. In addition to visits to individual homes, it could include a silent auction, raffle and other fundraising features. Larry and Julie will look into this and he will bring a proposal to the next meeting.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 7:00 P.M. via Zoom.