- The 2020 Budget has been reduced by the cuts agreed on at the July meeting, and new budget figures were added to the July YTD profit and loss statement, which was sent to each dock rep. If we are able to hold to these numbers, we will reduce our projected losses to $14,500.
- Larry Clinton will follow up with the FHA Webmistress to get a donation link on the Membership Page of our website.
- Michael Labate will check with WPH about officially naming the new park the Charles Van Damme Park.
- Larry Clinton reported that junk mail with his name and address had been found in a homeless encampment by the Sausalito PD. The officers who returned it to him cautioned against discarding mail with any personal information.
- Membership co-chairs Jill Sherman and Lisa McNelley asked for comments on a draft of a community survey which they had circulated by email. A lengthy discussion was held over the pros and cons of asking for personal data such as age range, income level, owner vs. renter and number of occupants per home. Lisa agreed to recirculate the questionnaire, with clear explanations of how this information will be used, that those questions are optional, and that answers will be compiled anonymously by Survey Monkey.
- It was agreed that dock reps will send a Survey Monkey link to residents on their dock, with assurances of their privacy. We will review the survey again at the September meeting.
- Emergency Services Chair Flo Hoylman reported that Emergency Preparedness links have been added to the FHA website.
- The FHA plans a series of helpful videos with information for residents. The first, which premiered at the February Annual Meeting, describes our in-home waste systems and is posted on the Emergency Preparedness web page.
- Flo and Stefan Krug will look into why our community has not been designated a safe zone by PG&E, which would limit our exposure to future wildfire prevention power shutoffs.
- Peter Hudson has been working with WPH Harbormaster Bill Price on instructions for residents now that the Harbor has acquired a generator to allow its collector tanks to be emptied during electricity shutoffs. He is also meeting with Ken Watsey to determine how Kappas Marina will handle waste removal during shutoffs.
- Katherine Boschetto has a group interested in a private tour on October 23. She will need to find four homeowners willing to open their homes. If interested, contact Katherine.
- A TV production company is interested in shooting a TV series on a floating home, mostly exteriors. Anyone interested in participating should contact Michael Labate.
We will have a discussion of dock experiences with the pandemic at the next Board Zoom meeting, September 8, 2020. Anyone with experiences to share should pass them along to their dock rep.