Friends Gather to Remember Ted

Friends and neighbors gathered at the new WPH park, from Howard Myers, who had known Ted since 1970, to newcomers including Mark Sommers, all grateful for Ted’s smiling presence and service. All are welcome to a memorial for Ted at Fernwood in Mill Valley this Thurs Aug. 23, from 2-3...

East Pier Improv

Here on the docks, we often make do with what’s on hand. This particular skillset was in full view the other day when East Pier’s Liz Gale broke her leg and her mom, Katy Boyd, needed to get her to the hospital. With help from Marty Atkinson, Katy first MacGyvered a...

Flags at Half Mast for Ted Eitelbuss

• impromptu gathering to remember Ted • 5 pm Sunday, August 19 — at the new WPH park  Our dear neighbor Ted Eitelbuss died Thursday morning, Aug. 16. A full obituary will be posted soon. As the news spread around the waterfront community, flags were flown at half mast. Issaquah is...

Snapshots of Summer

It’s nice to step back, now and then, and appreciate life on Richardson Bay. Whether waterskiing further out in deep water, backflipping into the Lagoon closer to home, or simply enjoying the reflections as they come off the water, ours is a particularly unique vantage point. These snapshots—taken over the...