Open Forum – June 19 – FHA Board Meeting

To continue our community conversation, OPEN FORUM will be included in the March, June and September Board meetings. Please join us. Your input is most welcome and appreciated.   WHEN:    JUNE 19, 2017 – 7:30 PM WHERE:  Community Room Public Safety Building [Marin City Sheriff’s Substation] 850 Drake Avenue Marin City  

Sea Level Rise — Resilient by Design

— CALL FOR SITE IDEAS — A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE — Some 60 years ago, the construction of the Bay Model helped engineers and hydrologists see the big picture, and better understand the ebb and flow of the estuaries and waterways that feed into San Francisco Bay. Working with nature, and not against it, and...

Lauren Petterson, 1955 – 2017

Hello Dear Neighbors, We wanted to let you know that our neighbor Lauren Petterson passed peacefully in Tiburon last night, with her boyfriend Eric by her side. Lauren was diagnosed with stage 4 Breast cancer 3 years ago. She is survived by her dad Jack, her mom Myrna, a niece and nephew,...

World Premiere – Life is a Movie

  A wonderful retrospective journey for the 50th Anniversary of The Summer of Love The documentary film LIFE IS A MOVIE—the story of avant-garde filmmaker and photographer, Larry Moyer—had its world premiere May 19 at the Nice International Filmmaker Festival (Nice IFF) 2017. Held at the beginning of, and just up the Côtes d’Azur...

Weeds – Down the Rabbit Hole

There’s a reason chefs say they’re “in the weeds” when the fast-paced, delicately-balanced dance of the restaurant kitchen becomes hopelessly unmanageable. I used to be weed-ignorant, and happily so. I now know more about weeds, and the tools and means to deal with them, than I usually care to admit. Along with learning...

Gardening in the Time of Climate Change

For the first time in a very long time the MMWD (Marin Municipal Water District) is giving a big green thumbs up to watering our plants. As you turn on your irrigation, check that your system hasn’t sprung a leak. Hoses and nozzles degrade with lack of use as well as exposure to the elements. Think...

Summer High Tides Sneaking UP

  This last week has been glorious. The dry heat of summer, with the forecast of blue skies stretching into June, signals that we’ve left the wet and cold of winter behind. What we haven’t quite escaped is the possibility of flooding at high tide. Over the next 5 days—starting Wednesday May 23 (high...

HOW TO: Avoid Internet Scams

   A recent global cyberattack—malicious ransomware, appropriately named WannaCry—was aimed initially and primarily at the big players: universities, hospitals and multi-national companies. Rather than wait for the other shoe to drop—in the form of second-wave copycats wanting to get in on the action—the more responsible citizens among us are treating these global cyberattacks as a...

Summer of Love Celebration – May 21

  Join us Sunday May 21 for the celebration—Varda and the Summer of Love—from noon to 4 p.m. in Marinship Park—music, food, beer and wine. Dress as a flower child, form a human peace sign (at 12:15) and for one afternoon immerse yourself in the brightly-hued round-petaled flowers and psychedelic graphics of the 60s. This is...