The thing about emergency preparedness, and warnings, is that the need for this information never goes away. Some things are seasonal—checking your lines before the winter storms, or planning for king tides. For events such as earthquakes we need to be prepared year-round as there’s no predicting when a catastrophic event might occur.
The one thing we do know is that we will likely be our own first responders. If you are new to the docks then a browse through the following set of posts (picked from 2017) will help orient you to life in our dynamic environment. Click on the headline of the post to go to the story. Even if you are an old hand, this stuff bears review. Which is why you’ll continue to see posts about Go Bags, CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training, how not to flood your hull with sewage when the power goes out, and the annual FireMaster fire extinguisher recharge event.