As many of you have noticed, the Waldo Point Harbor reconfiguration project is nearing the end. One of the last remaining tasks is to pave the old railroad property lot.
To provide new water service to the new Charles Van Damme Dock, Waldo Point Harbor is relocating a Marin Municipal Water District water line within Bridgeway Boulevard and Gate 6 Road. This work is currently underway. The two northbound Bridgeway traffic lanes have been merged with the left turn (north bound, left turn into Marin City) during portions of the project work. The work hours will be 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. for 14 to 21 days, start to finish.
Once this work is completed, WPH will move towards completing the CVD parking lot, likely by the end of 2015.
The parking lot at Main Dock was fully paved and striped and open for full use in late September. Outstanding items, reports Project Manager Dan Hughes, include landscaping, building the trash enclosure, and the entry structure.