Life on the Water: Both Sides Now

It’s gone viral around here, so perhaps you’ve seen the New York Times article titled Living on the Water—Houseboats can be a more affordable way to live near a city center. Published on April 26, the article starts by describing how Aislyn Greene and Jeannie Cruz decided to buy a...

Anchor-Outs Past and Present

KQED News is airing a report entitled “From Arks to Anchor-Outs: The History of Waterfront Living on Richardson Bay.”  Written and narrated by reporter/producer Ryan Levi, the piece contains interviews with two long-term anchor-outs and local officials. You can read or listen to the report on the KQED website. You...

Board Meeting Notes – Apr 2019

TO KEEP EVERYONE UP TO DATE ON WHAT THE FHA BOARD IS DOING, HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE APRIL BOARD MEETING: Without a quorum, the FHA Board discussed several agenda items, but was unable to take action on them. Treasurer Teddie Hathaway...

Financial Times Extolls Floating Home Living

The Financial Times recently interviewed Michele Affronte and other Marin realtors about the state of the very tight real estate market in Marin County. The publication, which is sold at Mollie Stone’s, concluded: “Living on a floating home offers the most affordable way of acquiring waterfront property in one of...

Spotlight on Floating Homes

The blog has published a spotlight on Sausalito that begins with a visit to the floating homes. The post tells how our community evolved from the postwar era of “quirky, colorful houseboats” while keeping its “eccentric coastal charm.” “Over 400 houseboats in Sausalito’s Richardson Bay Marina are home to long-term...

Rachelle on SFGate

Rachelle Dorris has lived on floating homes since the 90s, and as an agent for Coldwell Banker, she has plenty of knowledge about waterfront living. So, it’s not surprising that she was recently interviewed by, in a piece entitled “A life by the tides: What it’s really like living...

Parlez-Vous “Floating Home”?

If you happen to be in France in October, look for the French edition of the National Geographic, with a cover story on San Francisco. The magazine sent a reporter (Thibault Petit) and photographer (Cyril Marcilhacy ) here in early August, and part of their assignment was to explore our...