New Book by Jim Woessner

Issaquah Dock’s Jim Woessner has published the second book in his microfiction series. This one is titled Latté with Extra Foam. Like the first book, No More No Less, it is a collection of one hundred microfiction stories, each one exactly one-hundred words in length. Microfiction attempts to convey complete...

Marin IJ Reviews Last Voyage of the Redlegs

Last week Marin IJ correspondent Paul Libertore reviewed Joe Tate’s memoir of his days with the pirate rock band the Redlegs. The Last Voyage of the Redlegs, which the Floating Times announced back in December, recounts the days before and after the houseboat wars of the mid-70s, and Libertore’s review presents...

No More No Less

Jim Woessner, long-time author and Issaquah resident, has just published his new book of micro fiction. No More No Less is a collection of short, short stories (each story is exactly 100 words!) that range from evocative observations on life and nature to comedic musings on the trivial and absurd....

A Boatload of Books

So many creative people live on the docks! We’ve gathered a list of publications by current and former residents as well as select books about our floating homes. Links are provided; read on to know more about houseboat history and your imaginative neighbors. Fiction No More No Less, Jim Woessner....

Book Release Party Dec 19

Local legend Joe Tate will host a book release party at the Sausalito Cruising Club on Thurdsday, Dec. 19 at 7PM. The Last Voyage Of The Redlegs covers the Sausalito waterfront scene from 1969-present, including the houseboat wars, adventures with his band the Redlegs and sailing the Pacific. Joe will...

Train Wreck on Amazon

Keith Emmons’ new book titled Who Built the Train Wreck? is now available on Amazon ($19.95) as well as at Waterfront Wonders on Caledonia Street. Keith has written an entertaining recounting how this unusual floating home came about during the early days of the Sausalito waterfront. Cyra McFadden, waterfront neighbor...

Marin City Celebrations

Marin City will host a Labor Day Community Gathering and Car Show at the 100 block of Drake Avenue from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 2. All are welcome at this free event featuring music, amazing automobiles, food vendors, jumpers for kids, school supply giveaways, and much...

Check Out Boatload of Books

If you’re searching for that perfect summer read, look no further than the Boatload of Books column in the Floating Times. Curator Jen Gennari has updated the listings and included links for how to find these books by or about floating home residents. Great gift ideas, too!

Thanks and Congratulations for DITP

The FHA’s May 19 Day in the Park was a success thanks to the talents and energy of dozens of volunteers, sponsors, vendors, local officials and contest competitors. Denise Kendall and her chihuahua Cookie won the pet costume contest. The tiny horses provided by Ken Coren (Baby, Zeek, and Zoey)...

Houseboat Wars at the Library

The houseboat wars of the late 70s have inspired films, books, and even a play performed in 2023 in Mill Valley. Now the author of that play, John Byrne Barry, has adapted it into a novel, Pirates of Sausalito: Houseboat Wars Murder Mystery, a colorful retelling one of Sausalito’s most...