Board Meeting Notes — Feb 05

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED AT THE FEB 11 FHA BOARD MEETING. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES.  Treasurer Linda Futrell reported that January ended with a loss of $1,680.09. Cash on hand at month end was $17,790.42. The Board unanimously agreed...

New Twists for Annual Meeting Mar 15

This year the Floating Homes Association Annual Meeting will return to the Bay Model, with some distinct innovations. First, it will be a daytime meeting, followed by a luncheon (complimentary for FHA members). Second, there will be a silent auction as well as the traditional door prize drawing. Doors at...

 Progress in Amending Floating Homes Residency Law

While discussions continue between the Legislative Action Committee (LAC) and the Sausalito floating home marinas over an amendment to the Floating Homes Residency Law, Assemblymember Damon Connolly is planning to introduce a spot bill as a placeholder for potential legislation modifying AB 252 provisions. This placeholder indicates intent to address...

The Politics of Water

Michael Konrad of South Forty has reviewed a new book with relevance to our community: The Politics of Urban Water: Changing Waterscapes in Amsterdam by Kimberley Kinder. The author points out that that in Europe, taxes are high, but you get more benefits. It’s old and small, land is valued,...

Update on Floating Homes Rent Control

The FHA’s Legislative Action Committee has issued an update regarding a possible agreement with the four harbor owners on how to amend the Floating Homes Residency Law which could affect your future berth rents and fees. Current Status The LAC has held productive meetings with all four Marin marinas (Waldo...

Board Meeting Notes—Oct 2024

 HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED AT THE OCT 8 FHA BOARD MEETING. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES.  FHA Treasurer Linda Futrell reported that year-to-date income of $56,979 is 85% of budget and $52,368 expenses are 72% of budget with a YTD...

WPH Rescinds Sublease Fees

On October 28, tenants of Waldo Point Harbor received the following communication from the Harbor’s management: In light of the different burdens caused by various types of subleasing of floating homes within Waldo Point Harbor, we are currently reviewing and revising the Sublease and Short Term Rental Rule (Lease Exhibit...

Legislative Action Committee (LAC) Marks Progress

Following the FHA’s communication of attorney Ken Coren’s memo to the Marina owners, WPH and Kappas requested to meet. LAC responded by establishing a subgroup to meet with marina executives that included residents of all harbors. The subgroup’s primary purpose was to explain LAC’s opposition to fees charged since the...

 LAC Meets With WPH

In May, The FHA’s Legislative Action Committee (LAC) circulated a memo from attorney Ken Coren regarding recent fees and costs imposed on residents by various marinas. On July 18, LAC members from each marina met with Waldo Point Harbor executives and their attorney, Charles Olson, to discuss the memo. This...

Waldo Point Harbor Meeting Set

As detailed in an email blast on May 28, the Floating Homes Association (FHA) has heard many concerns from floating home residents about fees and costs charged by or policies imposed by their marinas. In response, the FHA, through its Legislative Action Committee (LAC) and generous donations from residents, engaged...