Financial Times Extolls Floating Home Living

The Financial Times recently interviewed Michele Affronte and other Marin realtors about the state of the very tight real estate market in Marin County. The publication, which is sold at Mollie Stone’s, concluded: “Living on a floating home offers the most affordable way of acquiring waterfront property in one of...

Celebration of Stuart Riddell’s Life

On April 13, Emily Riddell, her son Cameron and her daughter Romayne gathered at the end of Issaquah dock to scatter the ashes of long-time Issaquah resident Stuart Riddell. (Previously, a portion of Stuart’s ashes had been scattered in the Pacific Ocean off Manhattan Beach.) The family then celebrated Stuart’s...

Issaquah Dock History

Long-time Issaquah Dock resident and waterfront historian Annie Sutter has published a new book, “The History of Issaquah Dock.” In her introduction Annie says, “Issaquah Dock is just one of many little groupings of docks and piers and homes that make up today’s houseboat—or floating home—community at the north end...

Issaquah Inventor Mary Lou Jepsen

Amongst the talented creative residents on Issaquah dock is Dr. Mary Lou Jepsen, a serial entrepreneur, engineering executive and inventor in the fields of display, imaging and computer hardware. Without enumerating her credentials, Dr. Jepsen is very close to delivering powerful MRI technology via more affordable devices. As mentioned in...

Rachelle on SFGate

Rachelle Dorris has lived on floating homes since the 90s, and as an agent for Coldwell Banker, she has plenty of knowledge about waterfront living. So, it’s not surprising that she was recently interviewed by, in a piece entitled “A life by the tides: What it’s really like living...

Afternoon Jam

Jen Gennari and John Schlag recently dropped into Terrapin Crossroads in San Rafael to hear their Issaquah Dock neighbor Edo Castro Woodhouse perform. Edo joined Michael LaMacchia and other musicians for a set of instrumental spins on Grateful Dead tunes and other original arrangements. Edo played a custom 7-string bass...

Fair Winds to Stuart Riddell

Stuart Edward Riddell, accomplished sailor/skipper, world traveler, marine surveyor, and published author, passed away on September 24th, 2018, surrounded by his beloved family. Stuart’s story began on April 15, 1929, on Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada. He was the only child of Edward Alec Riddell and Mary Stuart Cameron. Following his parents’...