Estate Sale of Bill Kirsch Artworks Feb 23

Nearly 7 years ago, we lost a long-time resident of Commodore Marina, and a seminal figure in Sausalito’s artist community, Bill Kirsch. He and his wife Felicity shared nearly 50 wonderful years of marriage. Felicity was a dedicated volunteer for the Floating Homes Association before...

Join the FHA Private Tour Committee

The Floating Homes Association is seeking volunteers for the Private Tour Committee. FHA walking tours and tours of floating homes engage visitors interested in learning more about this special place we call home. In recent years these tours have been the chief source of funding...

FHA’s New President

Peter Miller of Main Dock was elected president of the Board of the Floating Homes Association last month. Peter and his fiancé Tam have lived on Main Dock for a year and a half. Each of them has served as Dock rep and alternate and...

Another look at Anodes

In last week’s report on sacrificial anodes, Lynn Lohr mentioned a study that had been commissioned by then-FHA President Stan Barbarich which verified zinc anodes’ ability to fight hull corrosion. Now Stan sends along an addendum about an alternative: aluminum anodes. He points to one...

Zinc or Swim

We love our floating home lifestyle, but we often find ourselves concerned with subjects the landlocked know nothing about, like freeboard, macerator pumps, and the health of the hulls on which we float. West Pier neighbor Court Mast and I talked at length about hulls...

Board Meeting Notes—Jan 05

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED AT THE JAN 14 FHA BOARD MEETING. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES. Peter Miller (Main Dock) was elected President of the FHA Board. Other officers elected were Alex Shoer, Vice President...

 Progress in Amending Floating Homes Residency Law

While discussions continue between the Legislative Action Committee (LAC) and the Sausalito floating home marinas over an amendment to the Floating Homes Residency Law, Assemblymember Damon Connolly is planning to introduce a spot bill as a placeholder for potential legislation modifying AB 252 provisions. This...

Correction: Sea Level Rise

Last week we quoted a projection from the Marin Independent Journal that sea levels would rise “more than 6 feet by 2100,” according to the California Ocean Protection Council. Soon after our post appeared, the IJ issued a correction, changing the projection to one foot...