A Tale of Two Taj Mahals: Sausalito and India

One of Sausalito’s most famous houseboats isn’t in the floating homes community. It’s the photogenic Taj Mahal in the Sausalito Yacht Harbor downtown. A fixture on the Sausalito waterfront since the mid-1970’s, the iconic structure made the news when it sank in March 2023, after...

Sea Level Rise Workshop Sept 7

  Join the City of Sausalito to explore projected flooding and sea level rise impacts across our community. A community-wide workshop will be held on September 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at The Spinnaker (100 Spinnaker Drive, Sausalito). All are welcome. RSVP encouraged....

FHA Members: Sign On to Our New MemberPlanet Platform

FHA President Pete Hudson has a helpful reminder about accessing the FHA website: As you have probably heard, the FHA launched a new website with MemberPlanet last April. You should have received an email invitation from the Floating Homes Association on April 4 inviting you...

Our Farallon Adventure

In the pre-dawn hours, we (West Pier residents Court Mast and Stefan Krug) slowly motored our 17-foot Boston Whaler away from my floating home and into Richardson Bay. With two spotlights focused on the dark water in front of us, we headed toward the Golden...

Sausalito On Broadway

Merry Loomis of Main Dock sends along this account of Sausalito being featured in a Broadway show: On a recent visit to New York City I had the pleasure of nabbing a last minute ticket to the 2024 Tony Award winning play “Stereophonic”. I went...

FHA Board Officer Elections

It’s Campaign Season! (not just THOSE campaigns. . . .) The Sausalito Floating Homes Association Board of Directors is now accepting candidate nominations for these 2-year term FHA Board positions: President Vice President Secretary Opportunity to Get Involved with your Floating Home Community The Sausalito...

Designer Docks and Rock-Solid Community

The Nob Hill Gazette has published the most comprehensive article on our community I can remember seeing in my 44 years here. Writer Jennifer Massoni Pardini really did her homework, interviewing a broad range of dock residents, including architect David Spurgeon, Brown Sugar owner Megan...