What do Betty Grable’s legs, Jimmy Durante’s nose, Dolly Parton’s breasts and Tom Jones’s chest hair have in common with floating homes? They all have been or are insured by Lloyd’s of London.
Recently Lloyd’s began writing home owner’s policies for floating homes. Their traditional type of policy includes personal liability, combining dwelling and liability coverage in one policy. They do have specific requirements for the types of floating homes they will cover and can also include additional coverages depending on the insurer’s needs.
Check the FHA website for an updated chart comparing coverage offered by Red Shield, the CA FAIR Plan, and Lloyd’s of London. You’ll need to obtain your own quotes to decide which option is best for you and your home.
To request a quote or for further information about the new Lloyd’s policy, contact Samantha Fazio sam@hawserins.com at Hawser Marine Insurance Services, LLC.