Will Fair Plan Rate Increases Affect Us?

“Californians on the FAIR Plan — the state’s ‘insurer of last resort’ — can expect to see their rates rise sharply in the near future,” reported the San Francisco Chronicle last week. Since many floating homes are covered by the Fair Plan, the Floating Times reached out to Samantha Fazio...

Earthquake Insurance for Floating Homes

Recently we reported that the Bay Area is overdue for a major earthquake, which raised the question of earthquake coverage for floating homes. According to Samantha Fazio of Hawser Marine Insurance, both the California Fair Plan (CAF) and Red Shield offer earthquake coverage as required for all California homeowners. CAF’s...

Get Your Docs Together

Thousands of people who have lost homes in the California wildfires discovered too late that their insurance coverage had not kept up with the rising cost of lumber, labor and other rebuilding materials. Talk to your insurer to make sure you have enough coverage, but for a quick reality check,...

New Insurer for Floating Homes

What do Betty Grable’s legs, Jimmy Durante’s nose, Dolly Parton’s breasts and Tom Jones’s chest hair have in common with floating homes?  They all have been or are insured by Lloyd’s of London. Recently Lloyd’s began writing home owner’s policies for floating homes. Their traditional type of policy includes personal...