Reminder: On the Floating Homes Association website, FHA members can find a list of service providers with experience working on floating homes. Services range from licensed contractors to handypersons.
Please note that the listed service providers have not been vetted; their names were put forth by someone living on the docks. Before engaging any of these tradespeople, it’s advisable to check references, professional accreditations, and insurance coverage. If you would like to make an addition or corrections to the providers list, please contact the editor.
This is one of several website resources that are available to members of the Floating Homes Association. FHA members can set up a personal website account by scrolling down the home page to click on Become a Member. After logging in, you’ll find the service providers list under Resources/Service Providers. Once you’ve established your personal website account, you’ll be able to create a personal profile, join an online directory, and access other members–only information.
Remember, the service provider list is available to FHA members only. FHA membership is as low as $45 a year (or $110 for three years). Household, Non-Residents and local business memberships are also available. You can join the FHA online, and you’ll get a renewal email before your membership expires; you can opt out if you choose, or let your membership renew automatically.