Eighty floating home households have signed up for free installations of smoke detectors on August 19, and the American Red Cross needs help from the community to meet the demand.
Volunteers are needed to serve as installers, educators, or helpers from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. that Saturday. All are welcome to participate, whether or not you have signed up for the free smoke alarms, or are CERT-trained.
The day will start with training sessions for various volunteer positions. Then teams will be formed to complete the actual installations.
Sign up at the ARC Volunteer Connection site to join a team in one of these volunteer positions:
Lead Smoke Alarm Installer: Conduct home visits, test existing smoke alarms in homes, replace batteries as needed, and install smoke alarms within the home according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Installer Assistant: Assist Lead Smoke Alarm Installer in conducting home visits by providing tools and necessary equipment.
Disaster Safety Educator: Provide education to residents on fire safety and additional local hazards, and assist residents in completing a home fire escape plan.
Documenter/Reporter: Document resident information, including the services provided. Complete acknowledgment forms and reports for campaign tracking.
General Support: Assist with logistics, canteening, hospitality, registration, and other event-day related activities to ensure volunteers are adequately supported.
In addition to registering on the website, please let Ali Johnston know what job you signed up for, so she can have a count of how many helpers we have.
If you can’t participate on August 19, let your dock rep know of your interest in a) getting free smoke detectors for your floating home and/or b) helping on a future installation date.