Gate 6 Rd and Bridgeway Water Main Disruption

I. Post by Teddie Hathaway

The construction has encountered a variety of unanticipated objects while digging in the intersection, including boulders, tree trunks and a section of old railroad. The estimated project completion date is now Friday, December 11. The water main that is being replaced serves the residents and businesses on Gate 6 Road, which means that the work of connecting the new water main to the existing water main will be done overnight and is scheduled to take place between 9 p.m. on Monday, November 30, and 5 a.m. on Tuesday, December 1. – edited from the original post: Nov 20th Sausalito Currents.

II. Email from Ken Watsey, Kappas Marina Harbormaster:

Attached please find a Marin Water District notice for a planned disruption next Monday night, November 30, 2015, beginning at 9 p.m. and lasting until potentially 6 a.m. Tuesday. This is to accommodate connection of a new main that has been the subject of work at the Gate 6/Bridgeway intersection in recent weeks. This should be the worst case scenario and could conceivably be back on earlier than 6. The possibility also exists for Gate 6 1/2 to be exempted from the outage but that won’t be known until the work actually begins and condition of certain valves is determined so assume it too will be off. The outage is for the entire area including the Harbor Center buildings, Richardson Bay Marina, Waldo Point Harbor, and Yellow Ferry Harbor.