Floating Home CERT Training – June 4 &11

College of Marin CERT March 2014 | Fire Module with Captain Timmer | photo courtesy Ready Marin  |  post by Flo Hoylman

I am pleased to announce we have the opportunity to have a CERT Training for the FHA, this June 4th and 11th, in Marin City. This Community Emergency Response Team course is 18 hours: 9 hours each Saturday.

The cost of $45 is refundable from the FHA upon completion of the training. We need 15 people to sign up. Here is your chance to go through this training with your friends and neighbors.

If you have been through CERT in past years, I would encourage you to sign up either for a refresher course or as a volunteer, to help – on the second Saturday – with the search and rescue units. Volunteering is not only a good refresher but also a chance to meet other members of our FHA CERT Team.

Encourage your friends and neighbors to attend, so we reach our 15-participant goal. Please share this blogpost. If you can attend, please let me know by email: flohoy@gmail.com or 415-332-1043. We want to have a good-sized group. I will handle the registration.

More information about the training:

In the event of an emergency, our first responders will be overwhelmed. It is critical for us to be prepared to take care of ourselves, our Dock neighbors, and our community for at least three days, and preferably five to seven. The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training is a national program to train citizens to help fill the gap between a disaster or emergency and the arrival of professional services. The cost is $45 and the FHA will reimburse you!

After completing the course, CERTs will be able to provide immediate assistance to handle small fires, turn off utilities, give basic first aid, perform light search and rescue, and be more helpful to your family and neighbors until professional first responders arrive. Participants find the class engaging, fun, and very informative. For details on what happens during the class, see the Curriculum Overview at readymarin.org.

CERT trained volunteers will make a material difference to the survival of the Floating Homes community.

Refer to the previous CERT post for additional classes and info: CERT Basic Training – Upcoming Classes